

The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) is widely recognized as the financial institution and a hub for finance in the region encompassing Central Asia and Eastern Europe.  
Specially designed conditions, such as regulation in accordance with the highest international standards, a robust financial infrastructure, an autonomous judicial system, and an emphasis on innovation and expertise, are employed to enable businesses to attract capital.

What We Do    

  • We build optimal legal infrastructure to facilitate commercial transactions and create favourable conditions to entice investments into the Kazakhstani economy.
  • We facilitate the integration of the region’s securities market into global capital markets.  
  • We strive to develop a robust market for innovative initiatives, financial technologies, green and social finance, Islamic finance, digital assets, and insurance.
  • We construct an environment for professional services and financial expertise in accordance with the most effective international standards.

Who are we doing this for? 

For domestic and international corporations and financial institutions         

  • We enable capital formation and investment for corporations in a secure environment, in accordance with terms that meet global standards.   
  • We facilitate the connection between entrepreneurs and investors, including regional and international financial powerhouses.   
  • We establish a legal framework that enables the resolution of commercial disputes from any location on the planet.     
  • We provide a conducive business environment by allowing for the establishment of novel legal entities in Kazakhstan. This is achieved through the creating of new companies and redomiciliation of existing corporations 
  • We provide a streamlined labor and visa system for foreign company personnel, and tax incentives exclusively allocated to financial institutions.   
  • We are cultivating an ecosystem of financial products and services for businesses in the following sectors: asset and fund management, capital market, brokerage, banking and insurance, Islamic finance, ecological finance, and more.   

For investors   

  • We provide all the principal capital market mechanisms, including share trading, primary and secondary public offerings, sovereign, regional, and corporate bonds, sovereign and corporate eurobonds, depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds and notes, and green, social, and Islamic finance instruments.   
  • We facilitate connections between government agencies and investors participating in business initiatives of varying sizes.   
  • We provide a comprehensive range of products and services.   

For citizens of Kazakhstan  

  • Through the Tabys mobile application, we provide the option to participate in IPOs of national companies and explore stock market investment opportunities.     
  • We arrange conditions for business registration on favourable terms.   
  • We assist in the creation of workplaces by helping the development of participant companies. 
  • We foster an environment that helps to enhance expertise in the financial industry.     

For the Central Asia region   

  • We support regional investment transactions and initiatives by supplying the necessary legal infrastructure.   
  • We set procedures and guidelines to regulate innovation and digital transformation. 
  • We ensure that instruments designed to finance sustainable development are verified.  
  • We take steps to guarantee that the financial system operating within our jurisdiction functions in a fair and transparent manner.   
  • We provide an integrated stock exchange platform that facilitates listing and capital-raising activities.  
  • We grant for local businesses access to foreign investors and establish the necessary settlement infrastructure
  • We have been recognised as the Financial Capital of the Turkic world at the 10th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States. 

AIFC ranking  

  • First place among financial centres in Eastern Europe and Central Asia according to the Global Financial Centres Index 34 (as of 28.09.2023), as well as the top spot in this region in the Global Green Finance Index 12 (as of 26.10.2023).  
  • In 2023, AIFC successfully underwent an audit for compliance with international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). FATF is an intergovernmental organisation that develops global standards in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/FT). The results of the assessment not only impact financial stability in the country but also enhance its image for foreign investors, contributing to Kazakhstan's position in international ratings.  
  • In 2022, the regulation in AIFC was acknowledged as compliant with the tax transparency standards of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This recognition marked a significant step in demonstrating AIFC and Kazakhstan's adherence to global standards of transparency, including tax transparency.  

Explore further details about AIFC services and products by clicking here https://digitalresident.kz/#/    

24-hour contact centre: +7 7172 959 000   

How to start business in AIFC: https://aifc.kz/en/starting-a-business-in-aifc   

Financial services business: https://aifc.kz/en/financial-business       

Non-financial services business: https://aifc.kz/en/non-financial-business     

News about AIFC activities: https://aifc.kz/en/press-relizy       

Contact the press office: [email protected]   


AIFC Organisational structure  

  AIFC Bodies  

AIFC Authority provides administrative support to AIFC bodies, promotes and delivers financial centre services to potential participants, works on attracting investors, administers the Green Finance Centre, AIFC Academy, Tech Hub, and Expat Centre.  

To learn more about the Authority’s work, visit the link  https://authority.aifc.kz/en        


Astana Financial Services Authority, AFSA — is an independent regulator of AIFC, ensuring the safety, reliability and transparency of the AIFC financial system.  

To learn more about AFSA’s work, visit the link   https://afsa.aifc.kz/en     

To access the list of AIFC participants, visit the following link https://publicreg.myafsa.com/    

"Regulatory sandbox" for fintech companies - Fintech Lab https://aifc.kz/en/fintech-lab       

Email: [email protected]     


The AIFC Court is the first judicial system in Central Asia and Kazakhstan based on common law norms and principles. It operates independently from the judicial system of Kazakhstan and specialises in deciding commercial disputes.  

To learn more about Court’s work, visit the link  https://court.aifc.kz/en       

Email: [email protected]   


The AIFC International Arbitration Centre (IAC) offers an independent alternative to litigation through arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution services.   

To learn more about IAC’s work, visit the link  https://iac.aifc.kz/en       

Email: [email protected]    

AIFC Organisations  

Astana International Exchange (AIX) is a stock exchange within the AIFC jurisdiction, with the objective of fostering robust and liquid capital markets in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It offers innovative products and services for businesses and investors.  

To learn more about AIX’s work, visit the link  https://aix.kz/about-aix/overview/         

Email: [email protected]  


AIFC Green Finance Centre (GFC) is established to promote the development of green and sustainable finance in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It provides verification of sustainable finance instruments and implements initiatives for the country's transition to a green economy.   

To learn more about GFC’s work, visit the link  https://gfc.aifc.kz/en      

Email: [email protected]     


AIFC Expat Centre is a multifunctional centre that facilitates favourable conditions for the entry and stay of foreign citizens of AIFC participants. It provides access to a comprehensive range of state and other necessary services for relocation on a 'one-stop-shop' basis.  

To learn more about Expat Centre’s work, visit the link    https://expatcentre.aifc.kz/en        

Email: [email protected]   


Tech Hub — is a centre for facilitating startups, deploying advanced technology, and integrating artificial intelligence. It fosters a dynamic ecosystem for the innovative growth of the AIFC's financial services sector.   

To learn more about Tech Hub’s work, visit the link   https://tech.aifc.kz/en       

Email:  [email protected]  


AIFC Academy is established to promote the development of human capital by creating unique platforms for continuous professional growth. The main principles of the Academy include forming and supporting professional communities, providing access to high-quality expertise and encouraging open dialogue among leading market professionals.  

Email: [email protected]  

AIFC AI assistant